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Film clips, posters and pictures of your favourite stars, films and Mp3 music. Apex Classic Cinema is your one stop site for great classic film tributes. Original and exclusive content.

We look forward to bringing you great movie song clips from stars like Nadeem, Shabnam, Waheed Murad, Mohamed Ali, Zeba, Shahid, Babra Sharif. Sultan Rai, Anjuman, Kemal, Mumtaz and many others.

Films from the silver screen, black and white era to the booming action blockbusters of the 90s and some modern hits of today will be featured.

New movies, many long lost rare classics, will be added every month. Our focus is to source and build a library of the movies from the Golden Era in high quality format unlike anything that is available.

APEX CLASSIC CINEMA is totally committed to maintaining and preserving Pakistani Classic Cinema. These film clips are samples from our film archive and are for showcasing and promoting Pakistani Classic Cinema.

Silver Screen 37 Clip Gallery 159 Clip Gallery 158 ReleasingSoon-v1